
School Citizenship Programme contributes to Swacchhata Abhiyan

Last month, the School Citizenship team was planning a special collaboration with the Defence Colony Welfare Association to launch the SWACHHATA ABHIYAN in the Defence Colony market. Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator and Madhavi Divan, member of the Governing Board of School, conceived of the unique activity.

A first of its kind, this Initiative aims to create a new awareness amongst residents, shopkeepers, florists, restaurant owners, sanitation workers etc., about the importance of a clean market environment. The endeavour also includes donating dustbins to the market, designing posters, banners, pamphlets and badges as part of the awareness initiative.

This campaign is planned as a long term commitment by our students to uplift cleanliness in the market, adopted, as it were, by the School. The funding of the entire programme comes from the Shram Daan collections at School.


After a series of meetings with the RWA, this program was launched aptly on Childrens Day. Pamphlets with messages on how to keep public places clean were handed out to people present in the market that morning. Badges were also distributed among the audience and encouragingly, more and more enthusiastic bystanders came forward asking to wear them! The students had readied a very catchy NUKKAD NATAK on the mission, namely Swacchhata. The Citizenship Anthem was also sung as a choir. The crowd cheered loudly for the students and appreciated their honest efforts. Ms. Romela Dhawan, Honorary General Secretary ( DCWA) , Mr. Rajinder Malik ( President of the market ), Mr. Abhishek Dutt ( Councillor), Principal, Mrs. Tania Joshi and Mr. Lal Raisinghani, Director of our School stood in attendance to lend support to the students. Curious onlookers stopped by to glimpse at the show.

The nukkad natak was greatly appreciated. Its concept was created by the children themselves led by Shubham Airi, and his team consisting of the school choir, the School drama club and other classmates.

Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator.