
School summer excursion to Japan

On 22nd May 2024, The Indian School organised an educational trip to Japan aimed at an introduction and an experience of the country's rich heritage, advanced technology and breath taking landscapes. 17 students, accompanied by Ms Tania Joshi, Ms Sandhya Batheja and journey mentor, Mr Naved Rahmat explored four cities, vis., Tokyo, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Osaka.

The six day educational excursion commenced with an overnight flight from IGI airport, New Delhi to Haneda airport, Tokyo on 22nd May 2024. The flight lasted approximately 8 hours, and we reached Tokyo around 5:30 am local time. 

Day 1: 23rd May 2024

Upon arrival in Tokyo, we were greeted by our local tour guide and translator, Mr Nitin Tewari. After breakfast, we embarked on a city tour via bus, visiting the Imperial Palace and the National Diet Building of the Japan government. We explored the Asakusa Sensoji Kanon Temple and walked along Nakamise Street, interacting with Japanese students and sampling local foods. The day concluded with a delicious  meal and some shopping.

Day 2: 24th May 2024 - Tokyo

The day began with breakfast at the hotel followed by a visit to the Miraikan Science Museum, which featured interactive activities such as communicating with robots using hand movements and eye contact. Post-museum, we attended a calligraphy workshop where we learned about ink preparation, brush handling, and various brush strokes that are applied while writing Kanji letters. We then visited the Tokyo Sky Tree, enjoying breathtaking views from the observation deck at 350 meters. Our day ended with a walk through the bustling Shibuya crossing.

Day 3: 25th May 2024 - Tokyo

We started the morning with a visit to Don Quixote in Ginza Street, a popular shopping centre for souvenirs and local foods. This was followed by a site visit to the Tsukuba Space Centre, where we learned about astronaut training, space research, and observed live operations. The day concluded with a visit to Odaiba Marine Park, where we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and pleasant weather.

Day 4: 26th May 2024 - Tokyo to Nagoya to Hiroshima

Our exploration of Tokyo concluded as we departed via the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Nagoya, reaching speeds of 320 km/h! The journey provided captivating views of various small towns and the lush mountains. In Nagoya, we visited the SCMaglev and Railway Park to learn about the development of the railways and the Toyota Museum, which showcased the transition of Toyota from a textile company to an automotive and robotics giant. We then took the Shinkansen to Hiroshima.

Day 5: 27th May 2024 - Hiroshima to Osaka

Our day in Hiroshima began with a city tour via bus, including a visit to the Carp Castle. We then explored the Hiroshima Peace Park and Peace Memorial Museum, which provided a poignant look at the aftermath of the atomic bombing on August 6th, 1945. The museum displayed personal belongings of the victims and quotes from that tragic day. After visiting the Atomic Bomb Dome, we travelled by bus to Osaka.

Day 6: 28th May 2024 - Osaka

Our final day in Japan began with a visit to ASCOT International School, Osaka. We discussed sustainable development with the host the principal and learned about their initiatives, such as school farms. Our students showcased Indian culture through songs and dances. The last stop was Universal Studios, where we enjoyed thrilling rides and entertainment based on popular movies and TV shows. Despite rainy weather causing some closures, it was a unique experience

The trip to Japan was an enriching experience that provided deep insights into the country's history, culture, and technological advancements. Interaction with locals, visits to historical sites, museums, and a school contributed to invaluable lessons and memories. These experiences will help us grow personally and academically and will be cherished for years to come.