
Skype session with American author, Jane R. Wood

A Skype session with well known author, Ms. Jane R. Wood was organised by School for students of classes VI and VII on 19th January 2017.

At the designated time, Ms. Wood appeared on the screen and an exchange of pleasantries ensued. It was evident from her warm smile that she was as excited to see us youngsters as we were to see her!

Ms. Wood began by telling us about the early years of her life. We asked her about what inspired and motivated her to write stories. She said that she had always aspired to be a writer. We were curious to know why all her books included a lot of history in them. She told us that she used to be a teacher of History in the past and therefore, this naturally came to her. One of her books Lost in Boston includes some American history. She showed students copies of books that she has written, such as, 'Voices in St. Augustine', 'Adventures on Amelia Island', 'Trouble on the St. Johns River' and 'Ghosts on the Coast'. She was delighted when she spotted copies of some of her books in the students hands!

On being asked how she begins writing a story, she answered that she does rigorous research on the history of the place and times, as it is an integral part of all her stories. She added that she uses interesting anecdotes from her own life to make her stories more interesting. We were surprised to know that the two characters, Joey and Bobby, from one of her books, are in fact based on the characters of her own sons, while the character of Katy has been inspired by her niece!

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Ms. Wood guided us on how to go about writing stories. She told us that we should maintain a journal and keep noting our thoughts on a daily basis. One of the students asked how much time she takes to finish writing a book. She said she first prepares a rough draft of three chapters, then she finalises them and moves to the next three and so on. This process takes her around a year, she said.

Ms. Wood shared her experience of working at the Kennedy Space Centre when she was younger. She told us that although she had worked there for only a brief period of time, she had come across many famous astronauts there. We asked if she had visited India. She said she hadnt but she expressed her desire to visit soon. We requested her to visit our School whenever she planned to come and she gladly accepted our invitation.

The session was a useful one as we picked up many tips on the art of story writing. We now feel better equipped on how to go about writing stories. Who knows, one day, one of us might come up with a best-seller! We thank School for this wonderful exposure.

Vedika Gupta, VII-E.