
Special Assembly by Class 2E- Managing Garbage

On 19 July, 2017, the children of class 2E conducted a special assembly to make their peers aware of the Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan and to educate them about how we can all how one can lend a helping hand in managing the garbage in our homes effectively.

The topic was presented well by the students through a talk and a poem. They explained what garbage is, how we must manage its disposal and what can be done to reuse garbage. The 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) were the solutions explained. It was advised that students must donate old books, reuse paper, recycle plastic bottles, etc., for effective management of the garbage. The recitation of the poem covered the salient aspects of the topic lucidly.

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The students showcased what they had learnt, beautifully. The presentation revealed that they seemed to have clearly understood the concept. A special English choral recitation for class II was also conducted after the assembly.

The special assembly definitely seemed to have left a lasting impression on the students minds. We are certain they will have gone home and shared tips with the family so that the household garbage is well managed!

Ms. Monika Singh.