
Special Assembly by class IV on Martyr's Day.

30th January is observed as Martyrs Day. 2 students of class IV-D, Sharanya Mushran and Vanya Mishra spoke about on the occasion about why Martyrs Day is observed. They explained, with mention of the facets of the teachings of Gandhiji, in essence they introduced the audience to what Bapu stood for. This was followed by a soulful rendition of the famous Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram', a favourite of Bapu's. Thereafter a minute's silence marked respect for the Father of the nation on the occasion.

The students of VB, next, of presented a Hindi musical skit based on the popular play Andher Nagri Chaupat Raja written by Bharatendu Harishchandra. The title of the play translates to mean ' A confused ruler and a chaotic state, leading to a situation where irrationality reigns and injustice is rampant'! The entire class participated in the play and captivated the audience with their poised presentation. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves, not only as they performed before a cheering audience. Even the run-up practices before the event had been joyful as the student rehearsed their lines and procured the props .

The experience gave them an opportunity for role play, hereby rapidly reinforcing confidence and self esteem. Each child delivered his or her role with lan. Vani Chadha as the king, Jasleen Kaur as his minister, Bhavjas Singh as the Guru and Nishit Taneja and Gurnoor as the the disciples ,Gayatri and Ananya as the narrators, all enthralled the spectators with their realistic performances.

Finally the Head Teacher addressed the students, imploring them to complete their work independently and not to depend on their mothers to do so. It is important that each individual matures as an string and independent young adult with a belief in him/herself.

The assembly concluded with everyone standing to attention as we all sang aloud the School song .

Report by Ms. Parvinder Kaur.