
Special Assembly by class III-B on our School's Code of Conduct.

Good behaviour and discipline are the foundations for good education. Without an orderly atmosphere effective teaching and learning cannot take place. We expect and insist on the highest standards of behaviour at our School. To reiterate the importance of School's code of conduct, at the commencement of the year, Class IIIB conducted an assembly on April 8, 2015 in the auditorium. All sections of classes I to III were present.

The students spoke about the virtues of empathy, courtesy and respect using flash cards. By turn each student stepped forward to present the following. Everyone should always try to understand other peoples' points of view. Students are expected to make it as easy for everyone to learn and for the teacher to teach, both tplace inside and outside the classroom. Children should be friendly with one another and show kindness and care for others . Children should be sensible and quiet when at School. Children should always speak softly to each other and to elders. Children should be silent when they are required to be. School should be kept neat and tidy so that it is a welcoming place of which we can be proud. Children should take pride in their appearance and possessions and have respect for other people. Children should remember that their Schools reputation depends on the way they behave. Children should make every effort to attend every day and be punctual. Rules are designed for the safety of all children. Finally the students of IIIB sang and were joined by the audience in a song on Sharing .The assembly concluded with everyone on stage and in the audience singing the School song, after which the children dispersed in an orderly manner.

Report by Ms. Rakhi Singh.