
Special Assembly- classes 4 and 5

All sections of classes 4 and 5 were present at a special ssembly on Friday, 25th July, 2014. The assembly commenced at 7:40 AM with the choir assembled on stage leading the prayer. which commenced with the Gayatri Mantra followed by ' Gurur Brahma' and finally followed the school prayer in Hindi.

The assembly was then addressed by our head teacher, Ms. Neena Maini, who highlighted the following 3 important aspects. 1. Our cleanliness drive. 2. The issue of heavy school bags . 3. The tTimely completion of classwork .

Laying emphasis on the cleanliness drive, Ms. Maini spoke citing various examples, of measures to keep the classrooms and the surroundings clean. She encouraged the students to throw pencil shavings, bits and pieces of paper only in the dustbins. She also advised them to wipe their shoes on the large doormat provided in the lobbies before entering the building and to keep a duster handy, to wipe the desk and chair when required.

She gave the example of the football match between Japan and Greece in the recently concluded FIFA 14 World Cup, where, despite their huge disappointment losing the match, Japanese fans were responsible enough to clean the entire area of the stadium occupied by them during the match before they left the stadium. This gesture by the Japanese fans was greatly appreciated by the entire world.

The second part of the discussion was the weight of the school bags being carried by the students. Ms. Maini suggested that all children keep the pencil boxes and tiffins simple and light. She advised children not to carry heavy text books, unnecessary notebooks and any additional books or notebooks on a daily basis. Children must pack their bags every evening with only books required as the the time table the following day.

The third part was regarding the completion of classwork during the class itself. She said that, children should not bother their parents to help complete their classwork after school and the students should take responsibility for completing the assigned tasks during class itself. Teachers were also advised to give extra time to those students who miss their classes on account of being involved in extracurricular activities.

After the talk the students stood up for the national anthem before they quietly filed out.