
Special Assembly for Christmas

Christmas is a time to give and forgive!

The Preprimary Department of The Indian School celebrated Christmas on 23rd December 2015 in the school auditorium. The Preprimary Delphini, Hercule and Kokab put up an engaging show that both delighted and regaled those sitting in the audience.

Christmas celebrates the glorious advent of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, on this earth. Born in Bethlehem, he rose from humble beginnings to become a world teacher. His message of love and compassion inspires millions of followers all over the world even today. Christmas is marked with festivities that rejoice the wonderful gift that God bestowed on mankind in the form of his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The preprimary department too marked this occasion with festivities in their special way.

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The Christmas celebrations began with christmas carols. Manit Patel of PS Delphini sang We Wish you a Merry Christmas, followed by Shenika Syal of PP Orion who sang Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, and finally Snighda Naug of PP Leo sang Jingle Bells. The children sang melodiously to the accompaniment of musical instruments. The atmosphere was filled with an air of festivity as those sitting in the audience also joined in. Just as the singing ended, Santa made a grand entry with his characteristic bag of goodies! As he pranced around the auditorium handing out gifts, the children could not contain the delight on their faces! He too sang with the children. The children were sorry to see him go but he promised to be back next year.

After the celebrations in the auditorium, the children moved to their classrooms which had been decorated with bells, stockings and stars, crafted by the children in their craft class. While in their classrooms, the children continued the celebrations with finger- licking treats and fun christmas activities.

Ms. Mayur Bose, Preprimary Department.