
SPECIAL ASSEMBLY for Environment Week in Pre-primary

The Earth and the Sky was the topic for a special assembly conducted by the Pre-Primary Merak section on 15th July 2015. The children came forward and made an endearing presentation at the assembly on the occasion of Environment Week at our School. Geetika, Nyasa, Paavni, Zohair, Akshat and Kavangun ( to name only a few of all the 37 participants) spoke a few lines about the Earth and The Sky. We find the assembly a very effective way of building self-confidence and of enhancement of vocabulary and speaking skills amongst the children.

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The students spoke on the various landforms, water and air. They lined up and delivered their lines with ease. They felt responsible and important and we, teachers, sat back in pride! They wore appropriate head gear carrying logos of The Earth and The Sky. A few props like a visual of a desert, white and the black clouds etc were shown to the audience to reinforce the focus of the exercise. The children held up banners displaying the three Rs ( reduce, recycle and reuse) as also slogans which highlighted the need for saving our Earth. The assembly ended with a few 'recap questions' for the audience and as a token of appreciation for each correct answer the child answering was handed a paper bag made during classroom craft activity; one that can be recycled and reused. Ms. Shikha Sharma.