
Special Assembly on Dussehra by class V-B.

In our multicultural society we need to continuously reinforce the universal values of brotherhood, tolerance, peace, compassion, patriotism and solidarity in our children. A celebration in the form of special assemblies is an effort to sensitise students towards living in harmony in a diverse society. They are taught to learn to use their thinking ability and skills to work for a safe and better world and to live in harmony with their fellow beings. Taking this thought forward a special assembly on Dussehra was conducted on 16 October, 2015. The assembly began with a small quiz conducted to understand the level of awareness amongst children about our mythology and the relevance of celebrating Dussehra. The children participated enthusiastically, answering all questions relating to the Ramayana.

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The quiz gave the teachers an opportunity to also discuss the other less immediate, as it were, characters from the Ramayana. The story of Bali and Sugreev, was enjoyed by the children when told by Ms. Sushila Negi. The story of Ravana was told with an impartial perspective, Ravana was a learned man and a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. Each individual has both good and evil qualities and Ravana was no exception. Children listened to these stories in rapt attention even though some were familiar with these stories. The children promptly answered questions relating to their favourite character Hanuman . The assembly proceeded with the choir singing Kabir ke Dohe and the assembly concluded with a folk song of Uttar Pradesh, which was earlier sung at an inter-school competition held at Gyan Bharti School for which the choir secured the second prize! It was a proud moment for all of us to hear the foot-tapping rendition and also learn the significance of the lyrics as told by Sanjeev Sir. The assembly was an excellent opportunity to teach the children the value of how good you want to be.

By Ms. Vandana Tewari.