
Special Assembly on Earth Day by class V-C

Class 5C organised a special assembly on Earth Day on Friday, 24th April 2015 to propel fellow students to feel a greater sense of urgency about protecting our planet. Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22. On this day, events are held worldwide to show support for environmental protection. Earth Day reminds us to be loving and caring towards our Earth. In the beginning, students were informed about the importance of Earth Day and the need to save the planet. Every student was exhilarated to participate in the assembly. It was delightful to listen to the little musicians of the class performing a Recycling Rap. Ms. Aprajita had made special effort to teach the rap. [gallery link="file"] The song conveyed nuances about the little things we can do in order to take care of our Earth like recycling old and waste stuff. It also highlighted the importance of conserving resources for our future generations. A skit was performed by the students that motivated all to keep the planet beautiful .The skit illustrated how the needs of human beings had increased and how they are mercilessly depleting the Earths resources. If we decide to do nothing and let things continue as they are, it will just get worse. It concluded with the message that we must realise the danger and start taking steps to save ourselves and our beautiful planet. We must keep it green, just like it has always been. As a finale, the class pledged to do whatever it could do to help the planet. Perhaps avoiding the use of cars where it is possible to walk, saving resources, turning off the tap while brushing teeth and stopping the use of plastic bags. Any effort, even a tiny endeavour would go a long way in saving mankind from disaster. Compiled by Mehak.