
Special Assembly on Good Manners and Moral Values by classes 2 and 3

"Children are great imitators so give them something good to imitate."

This is precisely what our children tried to showcase to their peers at a special assembly on Good Manners and Moral Values.

Class 2 presented a short skit on good manners. They gave importance to the 3 golden words in our daily lives, namely, "thank you", "sorry" and "please". They depicted that, by observing good manners we can manage to realise most things we need from other people.

The children were actively involved in preparations for this presentation. They made a sincere effort to make the skit lively and realistic. For example, the student who played a magician in the play suggested blowing sparkle dust up in the air to create a magical effect! The suggestion was incorporated and ended up being much appreciated by the audience!

Similarly class 3 students presented a skit on good moral values.They seemed to have rehearsed it so well that its effect was visible on stage. The children's dialogue delivery was clear and fluent. The children who sat in the audience were also very keen to share what they had learnt and promised to observe good manners and morals at School so that others would notice and do the same.

Both the assemblies were well presented. Such assemblies aim to encourage maximum class participation and thereby develop confidence and enhance peer- learning. Besides, the children learn to work in groups and enhance their inter- personal skills.

Compiled by Ms. Priyanka Malhotra, primary.