
Special Assembly on Herbivores And Carnivores by Pre-school Agena

The children listened intently as they were told that, all plants and animals need energy to survive and plants get their energy from the sun. They are producers because they make their own food. Other living things are consumers. Consumers can't make their own food. There are different types of consumers.

The animal kingdom is very fascinating. It was AGENA's chance to to introduce their peers from Pre-school to some truly amazing and almost unknown facts about certain animals at their assembly, held on 15 October. 2014.


The categories of animals chosen were Herbivorous and Carnivorous animals. All the children came prepared with their special one-liner related to their selected animals.

To make the assembly more entertaining, the children wore animal masks of Herbivores like the gorilla, giraffe, elephant, zebra and rhino and Carnivores like the racoon, hyena, lion, cheetah etc.

At the end the teacher quizzed the little ones and we sat back in quiet glee by the animated and prompt answers!
  • Name the animal that sleeps while standing.
  • Name the animal that has a very long nose.
  • Name the animal that lives in a den.
  • Name the animal that lives in fresh water such as in ponds, rivers and lakes.
  • Name the tallest animal that lives on land.

Ms. Aditi Gupta.