
Special assembly on Seasons by Pre primary Leo

Assemblies have always been a vital tool for interactive learning and the students of Pre Primary Leo added new flair to the tradition by presenting a special assembly on the topic Seasons on 9th September, 2015. They were familiarised with the different seasons in India and the changes they bring in our lifestyles. The message learnt was that all seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within.

The children were divided into 5 groups by the names of the seasons, namely spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter and each group was led by a young leader who spoke a few lines on the specified season with confidence and perfection. This was followed by the group members also speaking out lines about the season before concluding with a rhyme in chorus.

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The children donned paper cut-outs, and handmade headgear as well as carried props to convey the characteristics of the season they represented. They looked colourful and came across confidently. The spontaneity of the children was extremely endearing and their little colleagues from the other sections, sitting in the audience watched enthusiastically.

As a recap activity, there were five boxes kept on the tables representing the five seasons. Each class had two participants and each one was asked to pick a picture from the main box. For example, a picture of children carrying an umbrella had to drop the picture in the rainy season box. The procedure was continued till all the ten sections of pre primary had their chances. Finally everyone was rewarded with a sweet.

Ms. Othilia Fernandes.