
Special Display by Pre primary and Pre school

The children from Pre-school and Pre-primary sections were given an opportunity to exhibit their new skills at a special event organised in the basketball court on 25th February, 2016. Skating, yoga and music form a part of the childrens core curriculum and they are thus enabled to practice adequately throughout the year. So, an end of the session opportunity to showcase the new talent was eagerly awaited!

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The event began with the youngest choir of our School singing a set of hymns. One of these was the all favourite Gods love is so wonderful. This was followed by a group of our young yogis demonstrating their remarkable flexibility. They performed some very elaborate asanas to the delight of the audience. The performance started with the 12 step suryanamaskar. This was followed by the chakki asana, butterfly asana, the baby posture, the half spinal twist and the mountain posture. Their movements were perfectly synchronised. Ms. Manju Tripathi, their yoga teacher was loudly cheered for training them up so well. Next, it was time for our young skaters to perform. Mr. Karandeep Singh, our skating teacher led both the pre-school and pre-primary groups onto the court. The children were able to put together some admirable formations for the audience. They fearlessly and gracefully made their artistic bends and slides without a single slip. Infact each one seemed to revel in the sense accomplishment each time and the act became enriched for that. The choir once more came forward once again to regale everyone and ' Its a happy day, Humneteenchizendekhi and Boogie woogie carried the rhythm to keep the pace of the buoyant morning. Ms. Deepti Sawhney.