
Spell Bee in class 1

Competitions are an effective way to hone confidence, team spirit and talent in children.

We at our School introduce the children to competitions early so that inherent talents get spotted early and get the benefit of a full development. One such initiative was an inter house Spell Bee organised for the students of class 1 on 22nd November, 2017.

The day the competition was announced, the excitement amongst the children was palpable. Word lists were uploaded on the School website as a ready reference; the choices being in line with the appropriate level of difficulty for six year olds.

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The first round was a dictation meant for the entire class, across the sections.

Since it was an inter-house competition the teachers selected the best four from all the sections across the houses ( Chandra, Indra, Surya and Varun).

The second round was a question-answer one, in which, 10 students were selected.

Finally on 22nd November, 2017, the stage was all set for a new and an enriching experience for the young students. The participants wore their house shirts and looked very proud to doing so as they assembled.

The event began with a power point presentation followed by a riddle round. The riddles were read out to the teams and to our pleasant surprise the teams answered with ease and confidence.

This was followed by a word building round where participants needed to form new meaningful words by adding a letter to the three-letter words already given to them. The students scored very well in this round as well.

The next round had letter cards and the teams had to form meaningful words with these, which they did and that too promptly!

The fourth round was a memory game, where the contestants needed to recall the images they were shown, name and then spell them. The animated exchanges between the teams generated curiosity and excitement even amongst the spectators!

The final round of the competition required the children to seek out hidden words from the long common word given out to all the teams in one go.

The exemplary performance of the youngest batch of the primary was fully deserving of the appreciation they were inundated with! The audience was glued to the seats through the proceedings.

Surya House was the proud winner, scoring the highest marks in the competition. The contestants were awarded a book each as their prize to further enrich their bright minds.

Those who lost looked very sorry but their teachers prodded them on to prepare for the next opportunity. A learning experience is very enriching and is no less a reward in itself. More than wining it is the participation that shapes your skills and knowledge they explained.

Ms. Shikha Sharma.