
Story Telling for Pre-primary

A story-tellingsessionin the schools Foundation Hall on the 3September, 2012 had our Pre-primary children extremely animated. Mr. Sanjay Mattoo on behalf of Scholastic Books, engaged the audience with innovative voice-modulation and expression and accompanying actions of the arms. The "Demon story" set in a jungle, quietly taught about the importance of saving and respecting trees.The story-teller marked out a few of the children and gave them names of various trees so that the children themselves participated to drive the tale. The second story, which was the Poori story engaged the children with tales of the common puri, exploring with themwhy "dogs sniff the ground"! Not surprisingly, it was not hard to persuade the children to promise- to protect the trees in the neighbourhoods as also observe the puri more carefully.. As filed by Ms. Shalini Grover, teacher.