
Student feedback session with The Hindustan Times

On 9 May 2019, a team of two students of our School, Maitreyi Purandare and Sasmit Dey Sarkar of Class IX-D, were selected to join other similar teams from schools across Delhi in a feedback session with members of the Hindustan Times group. At the Hindustan Times office, the students were seated around a table and ushered to engage in an open discussion with the organisers. The subject of the discussion was whether or not they like the new revamped student edition of the newspaper, what they enjoy and what they think was lacking. The students spontaneously shared their observations and also suggestions for improvement. They were very appreciative as well and complimented the new version.

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Some of the concerns raised by the students were the abundance of irrelevant advertisements, the need to add more brain games ( such as crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.), and including a bigger variety of topics, especially those relating to English as a language.

The survey was not only helpful to the coordinators, but also to all the students who regularly read the student edition of the Hindustan Times.

Maitreyi Purandare IX D