
Students return to the library in person

No one could have imagined library periods going virtual! To read e-books instead of the heart-warming inked pages bound together. The pandemic lockdown forced young school-goers to move from the bright, cheerful classrooms to the impersonal virtual classrooms. The extraordinary times saw the teachers rise to the occasion with their creativity and ingenuity.

The current academic session, 2021-22, commenced in April 2021. An immense effort saw the students remain connected to book reading for interest and information.

Classes 3, 5 and 6 had one period weekly for library class. Special dates like World Book Day, Reading Month, International Literacy Day, World Read Aloud Day, Library Week, etcetera, saw students participate with verve and vigour. Students commemorated the birth anniversaries of several famous authors like Sudha Murthy, Roald Dahl, Ruskin Bond, R.L.Stine and others during the library class. They participated in digital read-aloud events on platforms like GET EPIC, Storyweaver, etc.

Ms Tarannum Athar, librarian, read stories to her virtual audiences. Her reading list included several engaging titles: A Cloud of Trash by Karanjeet Kaur, A Book for Puchku by Deepanjana Pal, Out of Time by Jessica Rinker, Nilofars Smile by Eklavya Books, An Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl and by Deepa Aggarwal, to name a few.

The reopening of schools from 14 February saw the introduction of the hybrid model. Students of classes 3 and 5 were delighted to visit the library in person after more than a year.

The students of all the sections of classes 5 and 6 engaged in an ice-breaking activity and jotted down their feelings on pieces of paper. All the children enjoyed this quick but significant activity. It marked their return to a library instead of the digital world of books they had been used to in the last two years.

The children delighted in sharing their emotions on setting foot in the School library after the lockdown. The children were happy to feel and touch a wide range of books once more.

Soon the overjoyed children found theor preferred spots in the library to settle down with a title of their choice. Some others read aloud to their peers who attended the period virtually.

On their first day back at School, class 3E avidly listened to the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Ms Athar used a toy caterpillar for her narration. The cute prop tempted all the children to reach out and want to touch it! The children were delighted to be back in the offline model.

The story of Om the Gnome and the Chanting Comb, by Ms Trishla Jain were read aloud to classes 3 A and B.

Meanwhile, in a perfect example of a hybrid engagement, class 6 curated an online quiz with the skilful use of Google Slide, Power Point and quizzes.com for their classmates, who eagerly answered the online quizmaster.

The fun filled week got over with the children returning to the routine of visiting the library in the library period!