
Summer Internship at Moolchand Medicity.

Experiences teach us more than books. Five students from class XI- Aayushi Mittal, Manya Ahuja, Ritwik Arora, Aayushi Sharma and Sanya Bindra were accorded an opportunity to explore the world of psychology which lies outside the books, during the summer internship programme from June 2 to 6, 2015 at Moolchand Hospital. On the first day, we were accompanied by our psychology teacher, Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema and introduced to Dr. Jitendra Nagpal, Senior Consultant, Psychiatry and Child Health Psychology. He and the senior interns present there briefed us about all the activities we would be undertaking in the following days. Dr. Nagpal discussed with us the dos and donts of dealing with patients who have psychological problems. The interns under the tutelage of Dr. Nagpal enlightened us about the pros and cons of taking up psychology for further studies. They spoke of a tremendous growth potential in the stream. Day Two saw us reading case histories of the patients and we realised the ground realities faced by these people. We discussed these cases at great length with the senior interns.

The next day, we were asked to write a report on any one case history which had interested us the most. The interactive sessions conducted by the doctor and interns were the most informative part of the internship as they shed light on some major psychological problems, like schizophrenia, autism and learning disorders- dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyslexia. They emphasised the need to handle each patient with sensitivity, building a rapport and providing a secure tenvironment. On the last day of the internship we were assured of support and guidance by our mentors at all times. Their doors would always remain open for more interactive sessions. We thank our School for exposing us to such a vast treasure of experiential knowledge. This invaluable experience will definitely help us in the future.

Aayushi Sharma, 11C.