
Teacher and staff workshop on Cyber Hygiene

In the present digital era, wherein people are dependent on the social media and the internet, the concerns of cyber security, cyberbullying, and cyber hygiene are pertinent.

In this context The, The Indian School facilitated a workshop on cyber hygiene for its staff members on 28 May, 2022 at 10 am. The resource person for the session was Mr Abhishek Ram, Technical Director at Westech Securities.

The session commenced with the dynamic security researcher engaging with the audience on issues related to breaches of security, cyber hygiene, the importance of passwords, maintenance of safety on social media and the different ways in which the accounts of the users get hacked on social media.

Mr Ram suggested ways to safeguard social media and online platforms by following a routine of safety and check-up. He staunchly advocated multiple-factor authorisation with an advisory to handle the real and virtual lives with caution.

The audience learnt more about terminologies like cyberbullying, hacking, fishing, cloning, data theft, digital fraud and grooming. They learnt to differentiate between ethical hacking and hacking and the consequences of digital personification. A study of several case studies further sensitised the avid audience towards privacy and data security. The resource person demonstrated various ways to avoid cybercrime by using a two-step verification, comment control, a strong password, etcetera.

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The resource person concluded the session by sharing tips for internet banking and safe online transactions. He answered with finesse a plethora of questions from the audience.