
Teacher workshop-Documentation of Inclusive Education Practices

A two-day workshop was co-organised by Global Inclusive Education Network (GIEN), the Centre for Disability Studies and Action, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, and Brotherhood on 22 & 23 August 2019 at Springdales School, Pusa Road. The event saw the participation of special educators from almost 40 schools from across Delhi-NCR.

The workshop was inaugurated by the principal of the host school, Ms Ameeta Mulla Wattal. The key speakers included Mr Satish Kapoor, Founder-Director, Brotherhood and Ms Simmi Sharma, documentation expert.

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The session commenced with a reference to the terms documents and records. Ms Simmi Sharma explained that educators must document significant incidents or activities in their work with students and parents-

evidence of such past events is called a record.

The discussion continued with an emphasis on different processes which are a part of the education system, like the admission process, the examination process etc. The term process was explained with help of the Turtle diagram- a tool for visualising the process-which assists in understanding, execution, management and improvement. The diagram resembles the body of a turtle with components like the legs, head and tail.

Inclusion is also a process and all procedures must be clearly documented in the school file to make it a system.

Quality indicators for inclusive education were discussed as these help in assessing the quality of inclusive education. These are used for self-assessment to enable the following.

assess the current status of inclusive education practices.

identify the areas of strength and the areas in which further development is needed.

generate a strategic school improvement plan for inclusive education.

3rd December is observed as International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Clips from movies of successful persons with disabilities were streamed during the workshop. The participants were touched to watch the national anthem in sign language by Amitabh Bachchan.

At the end of the two days, participants received Certificates of Participation from the Principal of St. Columbus School.