
Teacher workshop for Python ( CS)

Python is a language which is rapidly growing and has become popular in recent times. In order to teach foundational computer skills and bring the syllabus in line with international courses, CBSE has revised the Computer Science / informatics practices curriculum and replaced C++/JAVA with Python.

To prepare teachers for the change, CBSE held two workshops. Ms Simranjeet Kaur, HOD computer science of The Indian School participated in the workshops to enhance and update her professional skills.

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The first workshop was organized by CBSE in association with IIT-Mumbai at Amity University on 22 June 19. The resource persons for this online module were Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran, Department of Aerospace Engineering, and Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. There was a live video conferencing along with a hands-on session using an IPython spoken tutorial. The programme focussed on self-learning through practical implementation of problems.

The second workshop was conducted at Delhi Public School R.K. Puram by Mr Mukesh Kumar, Head of Department-Computer Science at the host school, on 25 June 2019. This gathering witnessed live discussions on the latest CBSE CS/IP curriculum, as well as Python, Pandas, Numpy, MatPlotLib, MySQL and SQL connectivity with examples.

Mr Mukesh Kumar covered all the topics theoretically, as well as, practically. In the end, he invited questions for further clarification and deeper understanding.

The session concluded with the distribution of participation certificates along with a group photograph.

The two workshops were invigorating and instructive. The participants showed eagerness to implement the concepts.