
Teacher workshop on library learning

On 6 January 2020, Ms Tarannum Athar, librarian at our School, attended a panel discussion on Igniting Young Childrens Minds through Libraries: Role of LIS Professionals. The workshop was organised by DELNET (Developing Library Network) in collaboration with National Book Trust (NBT) and was held during the World Book Fair 2020 at Pragati Maidan. The panellists comprised Dr R. K. Sharma, Librarian, United Nations Information Centre India and Bhutan, Dr Geeta Malhotra, Country Director, Read India and Dr Indu Khetarpal, Principal, Salwan Public School. The event was chaired by Dr H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi.

The eminent panelists were introduced by Dr Sangeeta Kaul, network manager at DELNET. DELNET was been established with the objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries.

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Dr Kaul initiated the discussion with the topic Libraries are the gateways of knowledge. In todays world where teaching largely happens outside the classroom, the role of the library is increasing day by day. He spoke about the need to guide students on how to use the library. Dr Kaul emphasised that libraries should have sufficient resources to satisfy readers and subject teachers must accompany students to the library at least once in a month to introduce them to titles relating to their subjects. He added that such efforts help motivate students to visit the library more often. He further said that the librarian should collaborate with the teachers from time to time to make the library resource filled and a good supplement for the content taught in the classroom.

The discussion also focussed on inculcating reading habits in children from their early years The role of parents was also highlighted in that, they should encourage the child to read at home. He advised that parents should guide their children on the books that they should read.

The speakers concluded the discussion by reiterating that library and books should first and foremost be shown deference- only then can true learning take place. Questions from the audience were taken towards the end of the session.

It was a wonderful interaction which sought to highlight the role of the librarian in enhancing academics.