
Teacher workshop on Mental Health Curriculum

Our School organised a virtual workshop on Mental Health Curriculum for its staff members. It lasted for three days, two hours each day, from 5 to 7 January 2022, from 10 am-noon. The resource person for the workshop was Ms Jagriti Sharma, counselling psychologist, Fortis Hospital.

The workshop was held to promote a culture of well-being in our classrooms. It covered five major modules. The sessions first laid out the contours that cover the meaning of mental health' and mental illness. The teachers learnt the importance of breaking stereotypes and stigmas relating to such illnesses. It helped participants realise the significance of encouraging students to seek help to build resilience in the area of mental well being. The sessions were interesting, engaging and most importantly informative and stimulating. The creative exercises and games planned captivated the interest of the teachers who benefitted with a lot of takeaways from the workshop. In totality, it proved to be very meaningful and fruitful.