
Teacher Workshop on Road Safety

A workshop on Road Safety was conducted on 18 September 2019 in the School auditorium for all teachers of The Indian School. It was conducted by Head Constable, Mr Sunil Kumar, Sub Inspector Mr Tarsen Singh, Assistant Sub- Inspector Mr Ranjeet, Traffic Inspector Mr Padam Singh Rana and Constable Ms Sunita. The workshop was held to raise an awareness of the new rules, regulations and safety norms to be followed by both pedestrians as well as drivers.

Mr Ranjeet spoke, urging each one to follow the traffic rules to ensure personal safety as well as the safety of our loved ones. He then asked Mr Sunil Kumar to take over. Mr Kumar asked questions pertaining to road signs, symbols, traffic lights, the wearing of helmets and seatbelts. He interspersed the session with jokes and rewards of caps of different colours for answering questions correctly! We were shown photographs of some horrific road accidents in India. Mr Kumar also explained the reasons behind these accidents and suggested measures that couldve taken to avoid the same. Some of the pictures sent shivers down our spines!

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The session wrapped up with a short quiz in which every teacher participated enthusiastically. Our questions were promptly answered by members of the team who shared telephone numbers and email addresses and encouraged us to send pictures of those found violating traffic rules. We were assured that the senders details would remain confidential.

It was an informative workshop and such sessions at regular intervals would greatly keep us updated with the rules and regulations.

For more pictures ...click here