
Top quiz honours at Vyaktitva-inter school psycho-socio competition

Top quiz honours at Vyaktitva-inter school psycho-socio competition Sometimes, for success in life our positive perspective is enough-powerful and indispensable.

On 3 August 2019, Ahlcon International School, Mayur Vihar, held an interschool psychology-sociology event, Vyaktitva - a socio- psychological perspective which aimed at providing participants with knowledge beyond their books in order to expand their horizons, showcase their talents and at the same time learn something new. A team of 9 bright Indianites took part in the event.

The occasion was an amalgamation of 4 distinct ev[gallery link="file" columns="4"] ents. The first was Throughthe Lens- a photography competition in which the participants photography andvisionary skills were tested as it revolved around the participants ability to narratea story through photographs on the given topic. From our School PaarulMalawalia, Nitansh Anand and Jahnnobi Roy from XII-D took part in this event.

The second event was Prose and Toons which aimed at giving budding poets and artists an opportunity to express themselves and give their vision a sense of realitythrough a caricature and a poem. Ifrah Ali of XII-C and Tanya Trehan of XI-D were the participants at this event.

The third event was Fandoms Assemble- an extempore event with a twist. Anoushka Basu of XII-A participated here. It revolved around deliberating on situations from given mainstream TV series/movies/documentaries. She was given an opportunity to speak for and against some of the characterisations.

The last event was Final Destination- quiz cum treasure hunt. The aim of this event was to test the subject knowledge as well as thinking and observation skills of participants. Anshika Sharma, Vanya Nautiyal and Himadri Singh from class XII-C took part in this event.

The participants engaged with a lot of enthusiasm. The award ceremony beganwith acknowledgment of participation of all the teams as the Principal of the hostschool, Mr. Ashok Pandey, talked about the emerging need of eradicating stigma attached with social and mental health issues.

This was followed by a presentationby the western music choir, poem recitation by a student of the host school and a short movie on the struggle of acid attack victims.

It was a moment of great pride when our quiz team was named recipient of the First Prize at its event!

Himadri Singh ,XII-D