Value of Excellence - A talk by Dr. Sonal Mansingh
Value of Excellence - A talk by Dr. Sonal Mansingh
As we know, CBSE is aiming at reinforcing theeducationsystem with'Value Education'. To inculcate the spirit of ValueEducationin the curriculum,ourSchool invited Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh to share herthoughts experienceswith thestudentson 8 August, 2012.
Dr. Mansingh is acknowledged not only as the living icon of Indian Classical dance, but also as a philosopher among dancers. A dancer is not just a dancer she said. Her existence is not in vacuum, but in a society with which she shares a dynamic relationship.
Taking time out of her busy schedule, Dr. Mansingh, who has lived dance and seen the myriad art andtraditionsof the world visited our school, making her the perfect choice foraninspiring talk on the 'Value of Excellence'.
Principal, Mrs. Rashi Narula welcomed Dr. Mansingh with the customary offerring of a plant at our School, our token contribution to sustaining the environment.DrMansingh
opened her talk with an emphasis onteamwork. Drawing asimpleyet lucid analogy from nature, she talked of how anintricatebalance team is the key to themagnificent honeycomb - 'nature's art', as so many architects call it.With teamwork comes the importance of sharing and caring. Sheexplainedto the students why these qualities were important andhow arrogance can cause harm to us. She also stressed that a goal cannot be achievedwithoutfocus.Referringto the famous story fromMahabharataabout Arjun's precise aim, shestressedhow focus can lead to the attainment of miraculous results. Easily,Dr. Mansingh is a living example of her own view on the value of Excellence.
Dr. Mansingh persisted that hard work alone could maintain performance peak. that we have strived for. Shortcuts are never useful in the long run. . Neither must we be indifferent to the importance of a healthy mind and body, she said. She concluded by wishing us the best in working towards the goals we have set out for ourselves.
Report byUmmang Sharma Bajpai, 12C.