
Visit to Defence Colony Market on 23rd January 2016.

Our volunteers from class 10D, Niharika Bharadwaj, Tanisha Chadha, Parina, Shrishti and Mubashir Ali reached Defence Colony Market with Ms. Sangeeta Aswani to undertake an inspection. This time they went door to door to take feedback on the impact of the cleanliness campaign started by the Citizenship Programme.

After a walk around the market and extensive chats with the shopkeepers, the following was noted:- 1. Everyone felt there had been a marked improvement in the level of cleanliness of the market since we adopted it.

2. The installation of dustbins has helped in keeping the market clean though the new problem was that the staff of the shops was using these public dustbins to dispose the litter of the shops themselves! This means that that the dustbins tend to overflow quickly in the day. The staff, therefore, needs to be instructed to dispose the litter in the main dustbin at the back of the market at intervals.

3. There was a strong divide when asked if employing a private sweeper to clean the market in the evenings was required. Some agreed this would help and others felt that the change has to come by bringing about a change in the mindsets of people no matter how many sweepers we employ, if the mindset does not change, nothing will change.

4. There needs to a public message displayed that this market is a zero tolerance zone for litter on the roads- it should be displayed in prominent places asking visitors to use the dustbins and not throw garbage by the road. The children decided to create some attractive posters and signs to be put up with the permission of the Market Association.

5. We would also meet the local leaders and MCD workers again to request their cooperation in our campaign.

Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Co-ordinator