
Visit to the Air Force Museum, class 6.

On February 12, 2015 students of class 6 went on an excursion to the Indian Air Force Museum located at the Palam Air Force Station.

The Air Force Museum, the only one of its kind in India, houses a rich collection of memorabilia of Indian military aviation and has an extensive display of the history of the Indian Air Force. In fact the experience was a great treat for the aviation-enthusiasts amongst our students who got a first-hand familiarisation with equipment and history, from when Indian aviators flew for the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War to the Kargil operation. Photographs, mementoes, souvenirs, models and specimen of real aircraft provided a rare peak into our glorious flying past.

[gallery] The museum has an annexe and even houses a hanger. The annexe divided into 3 sections boasts of some magnificent portraits. The first section contains a photographic history of the air force and the second section contains photographs of decorated Indian officers from World War II. The children walked past specimens of small arms like revolvers, pistols etc. which were seized from Pakistan during operations in 1966 and 1971. Ceremonial swords presented to past chiefs of air staff, uniforms of Hawai Sepoys and Air Force Officers of the 1930s were also on display. The last section contained information on the important facets of modern aviation history. The photographs, mementoes and models of the Indo-Soviet Joint Manned Spaceship-Siyuz T-11 were on display. The museum showcased the very best of what the Indian Air Force has stood for in, both, war and peace. Its compilation is, in itself, a lasting tribute to hundreds of people, who, in their own way contributed to build a glorious tradition. The gallery led to a hangar exhibiting small aircraft. The larger aircraft were exhibited outside the hangar. The outdoor gallery also had war trophies and radar equipment and captured enemy vehicles. The Vintage Aircraft Flight service maintains some rare aircraft in airworthy condition. These aircraft are however not open to the general public for viewing. Large transport aircraft are stored on the apron of the airbase due to space constraints. These are displayed only on the yearly Air Force Day. The excursion was a novel learning experience for the children, as they were introduced to airplanes and armoury connected with the rich history of the Indian Air force. Report by Ms. Nidhi Bindra.