
Winter break trip to Jim Corbett National Park- classes 4 and 5

Let Nature Be your Teacher- William Wordsworth

The students of classes IV and V welcomed the new year with their first trip to the beautiful Jim Corbett National Park. It was the second day of the new year i.e. January 2, 2019 when twenty nine children and three teachers were ready with their luggage to board the bus to begin an unforgettable journey.

The sparkle in the childrens eyes conveyed the excitement and anticipation of catching a glimpse of the majestic tiger. An icy wind and a beautiful new years morning sky set the mood.

It took us seven hours to reach our alluring resort with a single stop for breakfast. On our arrival at the resort, the children were very excited to check in to their rooms. They quickly freshened up and assembled in the restaurant for lunch.

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After lunch, was a call for the Jeep Safari to sight the Royal Bengal Tiger. Before the jeep entered the main gate, the children were instructed by the forest officials about the Dos and Donts of the park. The ride in the jeep to the jungle was filled with excitement. The three-hour ride took us through the deep, moist deciduous forest mainly consisting of sal, haldu, peepal, rohini and mango trees. There was a constant chirping of birds and the sound of rustling leaves.

The first thing we spotted was a herd of giant Asiatic elephants. After a while, the tuskers gave way and we headed towards the deep jungle of Corbett in search of the Royal Bengal Tiger. We saw a herd of spotted deer, a volt of vultures and some other small creatures. The jeep passed through the perennial water resources that flow through long stretches of the park. Our guide told us that the bushes around the water body were the ideal place to catch a glimpse of the wild majestic tiger.

Alas we did not catch a glimpse of the tiger but we were able to spot some deer and some Sambar. We explored the bewitching biodiversity of the reserve for returning to the resort. The evening was confined to the resort where the children watched a movie on wildlife and ate dinner. The food was excellent. The tired yet enthusiastic children animatedly exchanged their experiences of the day. It was 9:30 pm when they finally slipped into their beds.

The next morning i.e. 3 January was assigned for local sightseeing. Garjiya Devi Temple and the Corbett Museum were the centres of attraction. The Garjiya Devi Temple is built on a rock in the middle of the river Kosi. It was solitary and stood beautiful.

The former home of the legendary hunter and tracker-turned-conservationist Jim Corbett is now known as the Corbett Museum. The museum offers you a glimpse into the life and activities of Jim Corbett and his distinguished comrades who shared his pursuits. A visit to this small and simple museum makes one realise the importance of wildlife while roaming around the vast and majestic sprawl of the Corbett Reserve. It houses memorabilia relating to Jims Corbetts life including manuscripts, fishing nets, maps, guns and also objects from his last hunt.

After scouring the two destinations we returned to the resort for lunch. Post lunch, we boarded the bus to Delhi.