
Workshop on Skills for Counseling Parents

A three-day CRE ( Continuous Rehabilitation Education) workshop was organised by the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disability (NIEPID) Noida, approved by the Rehabilitation Counsel of India (R.C.I.) between 25 and 27 September, 2019.

The CRE coordinator was Ms. Sabri Ghosh, Social Worker at NIEPID. Participants were Special Educators, Clinical Psychologists and Private Practitioners. A maximum of 30 participants were permitted to attend this workshop, selected on first cum first basis.

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The morning session started with an introduction, defining COUNSELLING, as a human interaction and the establishment of a unique human relationship. Counselling support to the individual who needs help is to enable adjustment amidst environmental pressure. It is a process of interpersonal learning through attentive listening and free sharing of feelings and thoughts.

Counselling is a caring supportive relationship. C - Confidentiality maintenance O - Observant U - Unbiased N - Nonjudgmental S - Sensitive to the needs of the patient E - Empathetic L - Listens carefully L - Lets the patient make decisions O - Open minded R - Respects the rights of the patients

The aim of counseling is to help individuals gain greater insight to a problem even when no solution is in sight as well as to enhance coping skills and decision- making potential. Different skills need to be brought into a one-to-one counselling session. These include: Observational Skills Attitudinal Skills Listening Skills Affirmation Summarizing Sincerity Reassurance Emotional Stability

The speaker of the afternoon session was Ms. Gitika Kapoor, Psychologist. She explained the Concept of Counselling as defined by KUBLER ROSS known as DABDA: Denial , Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.

As people realise that fighting the change is not going to make it go away, they move into a stage of acceptance. Kubler-Ross adds that hope is an important thread running through all the stages.

Mr. Mayank Shrivastva and Mr. Upendra psychotherapists and Social Workers of the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital started the next days session with the History of counselling. Counseling psychology started as a result of World War II.

A practical session was undertaken on counselling where participants were invited to participate.

Through the session it was made clear that a good Counselor must have excellent problem- solving skill, Patience. A counselling session depends on trust, empathy, confidentiality and undivided attention.

Mr. Pushvinder Singh Saini, Lecturer of Special Education at NIEPID RC, NOIDA started the third days session with General Guidelines of counselling. His session explained that it is not possible to solve all problems at once, it is best to select one or two issues at a time, ignoring the rest until the first one is successfully resolved. However at the same time one must not ignore behavioural problems such as threats, violence, etc. Simplify Communication and ensure that Instructions are clear and avoid generalised comments.

The last session was presented by the course coordinator on personal growth. Personal growth is Self -exploration Introspection Skill building Self -evaluation Understanding of feelings.