Workshop on the art of decision-making
A talk on the art and importance of decision-making was held by our School chairman, Mr. Prafull Goradia, on October 13th, 2017. The talk was attended by students of classes 10-12, all on the cusp of making very important and life- changing decisions.
Mr. Goradia talked of how sometimes the monumentality of these decisions is crippling and creates problems which compound the hurdles on the way. Sometimes it turns into a tantalising battle between passion and practicality, he said.
Mr. Goradia answered a plethora of questions that students had. He offered advice on how he had planned a future for himself by planning backwards! In fact he said he planned his life until retirement at a very young age.
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He talked of how sometimes we might want to avoid making some decisions, the reason being that either we are scared or just plain lazy. He also pointed out the fact that one has to check one's level of desire for a certain pursuit, in order to figure out what one deserves. He said that it is important to keep in mind that at some or other point in life, we will have to stand out as an individual with a large range of responsibilities under our belts.
Mr. Goradia pointed out that its peculiar yet true that emotions dont have a place when one is making decisions. Decision- making is a tough process and requires one to be practical and sensible.
It was an enriching experience for the students, as they were ushered to reflect upon learning to make enlightened decisions.
Avantika Chodha.