
World Sight Day

Indianites from classes VI- IX participated most enthusiastically in a campaign -No more avoidable blindness organized by Dr. Shroffs Eye Charity Hospital, Daryaganj, to commemorate World Sight Day on 14th November, 2014. The objective of the campaign was to focus attention on blindness and vision impairment.


Our students participated in a Poster Making Competition in the theme Universal Eye Health. This event provided them with an opportunity to showcase their ingenuity and creativity in a highly significant social and health issue that exists in our society largely due to ignorance. Capturing the essence of the theme of avoidable blindness, our students went on to win the competition!

The students who did our School proud are: Prabh Simran Kaur of class VIII-E secured 1st position and Sana Mendiratta of class VII- A took 2nd position. Congrats! Filed by Ms. Purvi Mehta.