
Graduation Ceremony 2016-17

The Graduation Ceremony began with the customary teachers’ procession. Each teacher, from nursery to class 12 held aloft a lighted diya as she/ he walked solemnly up the aisle, to deposit the ‘ lights’ they had lit. The School choir soulfully sang a song of blessing as a journey of 14 rich years was set to culminate.

Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi welcomed the assembly and read out a special message for the graduating children, sent by School chairman, Mr. Prafull Goradia and Mrs. Goradia, on the special occasion. She added that the children should live their lives to the fullest, embracing every high and low with equanimity, holding aloft the honour always, of their beloved alma mater.

This was followed by the presentation of individual citations by class teachers to the students. Dishani Guha spoke on behalf of the students of class XII A and Ms. Alka Kanwar as one of its parents. Chinmay Iyer and his mother Ms. Meenakshi Iyer represented class XII B and Shubham Airi, headboy and his mother Ms. Seema Airi spoke on behalf of class XII C.

The teachers then lighted the individual diyas held by the students as a mark of wresting new responsibility and handing over the guiding light of everlasting knowledge and wisdom, earned at School. It was an assurance of strength as they readied to step out of the seams of a security they are certain of.

A final rendition of the School song in unison by the class, was soulful yet bittersweet, naggingly nailing the separation. Teachers, parents and the children then stepped outdoors in the dusk, to release the customary balloons. The spirits seemed now ready to soar.

Speeches of the evening are reproduced here:

Dishani’s speech

As I stand at the threshold of a new beginning, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know who I am, but I know who I want to be, and that is the precious gift that The Indian School has given me.

Good evening, respected members of the Management, Principal, parents and my dear friends. This day is actually here. I never expected to find myself at this podium delivering a speech in front of you all.

In the beginning, we measured the time spent here in class periods, counting the days to eventual freedom. As the days and weeks passed, we measured it in semesters, and later in years. We moved from being clueless juniors, to sophisticated seniors who thought they had it all figured out! By the time we reached the end of our junior years, we were confident that we were prepared to take over from the graduating seniors and we couldn’t wait to “rule the School”. And now here we stand. Now that we have finally found our place, our rule is over, and it’s up to the next class to step into our shoes and takeover. It’s time to leave and the tears just can’t stop flowing. I guess that’s how life is.

Being a graduate means, you will be left alone to conquer the world, no more hand- holding, no more smiling faces and sadly no more ‘Sunil bhaiya ki iced tea and cold coffee’. Being an undergraduate at college means using your School education to become successful and to give back to the community. After so many years in this School, we have learnt how to learn and have been taught not what to think but how to think and that is the true measure of our The Indian School education.

Each moment, each memory, is what defines us. All the precious moments spent with our friends will remain with us forever. Now everything’s going to change. Now the corridors won’t echo with Angad and Sriraag’s jokes or Shreya Sinha’s crazy laughter. No more crazy break discussions with Mehar, Chetna and Simran. I’ll miss my partners in crime (and by crime I mean potential felonies) Tanya, Shreya and Anupama. I will definitely miss my human diary Aueshic and his funny dabs and those after-match, weird conversations with my teammates, Aanchal and Sadaf. We won’t get to see our human selfie-stick Saksham walking about in the corridors or the guy who is the very definition of smarty pants and who I secretly hate, Pulkit. We won’t get to hear Jasmine the girl who doesn’t how to whisper or the most hyperactive guy Mubashshir. No more of those brotherly bonds with Tabish and those annoying grammatical corrections from Jaskirat. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m for sure going to miss those ‘scoldings’ from Anu Ma’am. I’ll miss those negotiations about the syllabus during double periods with Archana Ma’am and those funny chemical bottle hunts with Aorko Sir during practical periods.

These years passed so quickly. How can I forget Deepali Ma’am who has taught me the simplicity of things and the importance of teamwork in life. Also Shushant and Madhav Sir, who gave me the opportunity to overcome my stage-fright and taught me ways to express myself before a large crowd.

By far the most profound experience of my school life was when I had to lead the march past weeks after a knee surgery. The person who rarely attended practices, was supposed to handle the whole battalion! But to my surprise in the end, with grit and hard work, we achieved that perfect synchronisation and actually, unbelievably, won the march past!

I would like to thank our parents for supporting us in more ways than it’s possible to count. I would also like to thank my teachers for patiently guiding us and helping us grow. Especially, our junior school teachers, who stayed with us during our formative years. Thank you for so selflessly sharing your time, talent and knowledge with us. 

Last, but not least, thank you to the School staff for keeping our School clean and safe. You know better than anyone else what slobs we’ve been. You actually deserve some kind of medal.

I would like to thank somebody who is really special to me, our principal Tania Ma’am. She had her hand on my head and guided me throughout. She’s the one who has been my support system in School.

In the end, I would like to thank all of you, for being a part of my School life. Each and every person present here has shared a memory with me, which I’ll cherish forever. Now, it’s time to move on to the next phase of life. 

Along the way we have learnt many lessons. No matter how serious life gets, you are still going to have that one person you can be completely stupid with. Anant has taught me the true meaning of friendship. A person close to me (and who has annoyed me the most) has taught me how to find happiness even in the little things Chinmaya.

I belong among the stars. And so do you. Together, we can inspire galaxies of greatness for generations to come.

No, the sky is not the limit. It is only the beginning. It feels like we are saying goodbye but we will carry a piece of everything that we did here to everything we will do next, to remind us of who we are and who we are meant to be. I have had an amazing 14 years and I will miss you all very much. THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS!

Ms. Alka Kanwar’s speech

Good Evening!
Respected Director Sir, Ms. Brinda Shroff, Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, teachers, parents and dear students. We have gathered here to bless the outgoing batch of class 12 and remember their journey.

Today, I am not here as a teacher, but standing in front of you, representing your parents.

The Indian School, with the motto – “Knowledge is Power”, has been instrumental in shaping the lives of our children. In these 12 years, I have seen the children grow from toddlers to young men and women all set to begin a new innings.

The parents and The Indian School have worked in tandem to give the best to these young children. The school has been working tirelessly in different fields like academics, sports, arts, music, dance and other co-curricular activities. Different activities organised by Indian School ensures the all round development and growth of the children. These young children have delicately blossomed like flowers in a garden.

School and the children have grown together and I am sure the kids have inculcated strong values and sanskaars that The Indian School is known for.

I hope you soar high in the sky and bring glory to your School, teachers and parents. Also, I wish you the very best for your upcoming board exams. I hope you prepare well and give your best. But, do take good care of your health and balance your time. Remember, balance is the key to everything in life.

Thank you once again The Indian School, the management, the teachers and the support staff and my blessings for our young men and women.

In the end, I would like to recite a few lines for my dear students.

Somewhere between
Crying loudly to seek attention and
Crying silently to avoid attention
We grew up

Somewhere between
I want to grow up and
I want to be a child again
We grew up

Somewhere between
Ground mein aaja and
Online aaja
We grew up

Somewhere between
Walking up at 6 am and
Sleeping at 6 pm
We grew up

And as we grew up, we realised how silently our lives have changed. Remember success never depends on the capability of your brain; instead it depends on the greatness of your behaviour and thoughts.

Faith makes all things possible, hope makes all things work. May you have an abundance of both every day.

Thank you.

Chinmaya’s speech

Good evening parents, teachers and my fellow students,
Looks like this is it! This long journey has finally come to an end. After 12 long years, this train has reached its final destination. But these 12 years, these days will always be cherished by us. I’ve spent 4 years here at The Indian School and they just went by in a jiffy.

My first day here was on the 1st of May 2013. It feels like it was just yesterday. In these 4 very eventful years here, I’ve made memories that I’ll be taking away for a lifetime. I’ve made friends who have been there to help me through thick and thin. There have been innumerable events which pushed me to work hard and push me past plateaux which I never thought I could cross.

The 2013 annual day, brought my first ever solo performance in front of a large audience. The song which I was given, was of a style I was not familiar with at all. I didn’t really think I’d be able to sing a song with a Latin American theme! There were many instances where I thought I wouldn’t be able to pull this off. But Anthony Sir would keep telling me the same thing, ‘Tu kar lega, chalo start se ek aur bar karte hain’. It was this very faith and support which he showed me, that helped me make a breakthrough and do something which I thought was not possible for me!

The 2 months’ practice before the 2014 Sports’ Day was another time I will never forget. The intense training sessions along with our trainer and the entire martial arts’ team is ingrained as fresh as ever in my memory. I’m really grateful for all the opportunities I’ve received to prove myself.

I've made friendships which I’m sure will last a long time. A special shout out to Jaskirat Oberoi for always having my back.

I thank all my teachers for entrusting me with all the responsibilities that were handed down to me.

One thing I’m going to miss ever so much is the fun that we students had in class, every time a teacher was either late to class or when a substitution was announced! It wouldn’t even take a minute for the classroom to transform into Piccadilly Circus! Being a council member for two continuous years was really an honour.

I strongly believe that instead of trying to make a huge difference and actually ending up doing nothing, doing little things which require just the slightest bit of application, if done consistently make a big difference. I thank my fellow council members for making little efforts of being consistent with their break duty all year round.

So it’s the end of School for the batch of 2016-17. But this is not really the end. In fact this is the beginning. Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn. This is the start of a metamorphosis, where we students grow into adults. Where we finally can begin working towards our dreams and pave our own paths in this world. It is now that we finally can explore the world full of possibilities, without any safety gear on, without our teachers being present to protect and guide us. With the end of one journey we embark upon another where we will finally be able to focus on life beyond NCERT textbooks, a journey to find our true callings in life and work on our careers.

So my message to my fellow batch mates is that you are all destined for greatness. All of you are going to leave a massive foot print on this planet.

From this point on we’re all setting forth on our own paths to become the very best versions of ourselves.

Congratulations everybody!
We made it.
Thank You.

Chinmaya’s mother, Mrs. Meenakshi Iyer’s speech

Respected Goradia Sir, distinguished members of the School Management, Principal Ma’am, teachers, my fellow parents and dear children,

Today I stand in front of you as Chinmaya’s mother and it is my proudest moment. I am very happy basking in reflected glory and as any parent will vouch, there is no greater honour than being recognised as a child’s mother or father. I am deeply honoured.

As Chinmaya mentioned it was only four years ago that he joined the School in class IX but today, when I see how beautifully he adapted himself to the new environment, I cannot but wonder at the ease of it. Everything from the city, to the way people thought and spoke, was very new for Chinmaya since he had never lived here before; And believe me Delhi can be overwhelming for a newcomer; but he was at ease from the word go and it was all because of the environment provided by School, the teachers and the children who were very welcoming.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank School for the encouragement and motivation provided to my child. He is talented, yes, but his talent was recognised, nurtured and honed by School, and I am very grateful for it. Every single teacher, the class teachers over the years, the subject teachers, the music faculty, the sports’ teachers, have all been very encouraging. And every time I have had the chance to interact with them, they have always shown their willingness to help the child, if need be. School with its various activities like the MUN, music, sports, dance and parallel curriculum in general, have helped children to develop in a holistic manner. By going beyond academics the child is able to attain his/her full potential and can think of a career beyond the regular ones envisaged by society.

The school has carved a name for itself under the able stewardship of the principal and committed staff.

Children, I would just like to tell you to do your best and go out and shine in the real world. The world outside is a dog-eat-dog world but do not get sucked in that quagmire. Compete, but with yourself. Do better today than what you did yesterday. Best of luck to each one of you. I have had the opportunity of interacting with some of you personally and I am struck by the personality and the amazing talent of each one of you. I love you all and wish you all the very best for both the upcoming boards and the journey of life.

Shubham Airi’s speech

In the past 14 years of our lives, we have interacted in this very Foundation Hall, as a part of a class, section or house, but today at the culmination of this memorable journey, we are finally together as one, not split into sections, streams or houses. Today we are 135 parts forming one beautiful whole, parts without which the Shubham who stands before you, wouldn’t have been the Shubham he is today. These 135 parts will define the 21st century, ladies and gentlemen. I know for a fact that it is in this crowd that I see the leaders of CERN , the faces of the Indian Government and the Paris Fashion Week, the champions of Wimbledon, the most famous Youtubers and the business tycoons of tomorrow! I strongly believe that Indianites are not limited to a single field. But today, it is not about Paris or Wimbledon, it is about us, made of the same material, protected by the same armour, driven by the same passion, led by the same belief and united by a common legacy of this 22 year old institution, namely, The Indian School, New Delhi!

Good evening, esteemed members of the Management, Principal, parents and the batch of 2016-17.

A couple of days back while I was pondering over the content of my speech, I had this interesting verbal exchange with my mom, which I would like to share with you. I asked her if I should make my speech an emotional one, or speak the way I usually do. She said that in the past, every time she has heard me on stage, it’s been about facts, arguments, aggression and so on. So today would be the only day when people wouldn’t judge me even if I got emotional. Therefore, my speech should be an emotional one, straight from my heart, to touch all hearts, to let everyone know exactly how I feel standing here on this podium, probably for the last time as a student. So here I am, standing tall before you, reliving my journey, the treasured moments and memories of people attached to it.

To my teachers – It is easy to take you for granted but difficult to forget your inspirational words. It is easy to misbehave in class but it is difficult not to acknowledge your motivational advice. It is easy to spot annoyance in your behaviour but it is difficult to realise the patience you have had while dealing with us. My sincere gratitude to each and every teacher for moulding and shaping us through our wonderful journey and for ignoring our EASYs and never forgetting our DIFFICULTs.

Certain people who have never taught us in a classroom but without whom our journey would never have been as smooth as it has been. I would like to thank all the didis and bhaiyas who have helped us whenever we needed them and have always greeted us with a smile irrespective of how much we have troubled them.

To my parents, I have witnessed your sacrifices and struggles in rearing me. I promise to make you proud as there is nothing which gives me more pleasure and satisfaction than when I see tears of happiness in your eyes for all my achievements. For those tears of happiness, I promise to work hard always. Thank you very much for being what you are, for you have made me what I am.

To my class mates – ‘Thank You’ is too small a word for each one of you present here, because all of you have contributed in some way or the other to this beautiful journey. It is said that friends are the family we chose for ourselves. So, I would like to thank my little family comprising of Mubashshir, Aanchal, Himanshi, Aueshic, Saksham, Ritwik, Chinmaya, Shreya and Jaskirat for always being supportive, keeping me grounded and enduring my endless speeches with patience and positivity.

I will immensely miss everything related to this institution, from incomplete notebooks, to last minute projects, the classrooms which have an abundance of memories, the sheer delight at a teacher being absent, especially Math, the competitive house matches, the verbal combats before the first bell rang, the reprimands, being a part of the students council thrice, the prestigious Dr. Amidas Goradia Debate, winning the numerous inter School national debates, the amazing travels and experiences of trips and excursions, specially my stay with a French family in France, and above all representing this institution as a proud INDIANITE, because my heart resides here, at The Indian School…I feel humbled to acknowledge that it has given me much more than I could ever dream of.

If the journey hasn’t been that great for some of you, remember that tomorrow is yours and a step taken in the right direction, has no right or wrong timing. Let the change within you bring your dreams and ambitions closer to you.

We are at the threshold of new openings, doors to avenues we have always wanted to achieve – our dreams, our aspirations. Let the world not bog us down from pursuing our dreams! Hurdles and struggles will coexist. Do not retreat, do not accept defeat, strive ahead with renewed vigour and zeal, because that’s what a true Indianite is expected to do. Don’t let society define success for you. Whether it is football, music, youtubing, photography or any other unconventional profession, society has a lot to say, but don’t stop , believe in yourself and keep moving forward because remember that fortune favours only the brave.

Together, we can inspire galaxies of greatness for generations to come. No, the sky is not the limit. It is only the beginning. Rise, lead, succeed and conquer.

I have fond memories with this podium. My first debate, my first speech, my first vote of thanks and the first event I compered. The only thing I haven’t done is speak in Hindi. So before I leave allow me to conclude with a short poem which echoes what my heart and mind feels right now:

Raah dekhi thi na jaane kabse
Aage ke sapne saja rakhe the najaane kabse
Utaavle the yahan se jaane ko
Zindagi ka agla padhav paane ko

Aaj dil mei kuch aur khyaal aata hai
Waqt ko rokne ka jee chahta hai
Jin baaton ko lekar rote thhe, aaj unpar hasi aati hai
Aaj un palon ki yaad bahut aati hai
Kaha karta tha badhi mushkil se bahut saal seh gaya
Par na jaane kyun aaj kuch peeche reh gaya
Ab mere naye naye naam kaun banayega
Ab mai bina matlab ke kisse ladhunga
Aur bina topic ke baat kisse karunga
Ab kaun fail hone par dilaasa dilaayega aur kaun galti se number laane par baatein sunaayega
Meri khushi mei mujhse zyaada khush kaun hoga mere gum mei mujhse zyaada dukhi kaun hoga
Bahut kuch likhna abhi baaki hai
Kuch saath shayad baaki hai
Doston , milne ki faryaad karte rehna
Aur mil na paao toh yaad karte rehna

Thank You!

Shubham’s mother, Mrs. Seema Sharma’s speech

Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened …..and yes it happened …we handed over our children who were like wet clay to the school fraternity with a teaching and blessing that do your best such that you have a successful exit rather than a favourable entrance because what matters is not being clapped for when you arrived but being remembered when you leave …so it is time to leave now but a small walk into the memory lane to recollect and rewind follows.

Good Evening, Members of the Management, teachers, parents and my dear children!!!
In 1997, my daughter Chandni Airi walked into the gates of School, totally unaware of her journey and the teachers of The Indian School took her hand, opened her mind and touched her soul and saw her through her journey of 14 years as a student. Today she stands as a part of School once again, but as a teacher teaching French and sharing what she learnt ……bringing out the best in her students.

As parents it is a proud moment. I do not have enough words to express my gratitude to the School fraternity.

The second part of our journey began in 2003 with my son Shubham Airi who was all set to embark on his journey with school and society.
Now an honest confession is about to be revealed. We as parents had filled admission forms for 2 schools. One was Amity International School, NOIDA and the other was of course, The Indian School. During the admission process at Amity International School, Shubham was the only child in 100 who refused to go through the interview process…he cried! Thanks son for crying, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here today! As luck would have it The Indian School embraced him and with the right mix of chalk and challenges, he understood that there are 7 wonders in the world and a child has 7 million and the teachers accordingly moulded and motivated him.

Shubham’s triumphant moments were a gift to the teachers’ endeavours as they were the ones who guarded and guided him throughout. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

Someone truly said, companions are the ones who can hear you when you are quiet. Shubham has been blessed and supported by such wonderful friends who have been with him through his journey of success and accolades and have actually kept him grounded and humble. My blessings to all his friends and batchmates for their future endeavours and may all your tears and fears turn into pearls of wisdom and guide you throughout.


Good luck to each one of you for your board examinations. I, like any other parent sitting here have full faith that all of you will come out with flying colours. I believe you can and you will.

With a lot of blessings and a heartful of thanks I sign off with the following lines:

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.