The fourth edition of ‘The Indianite MUN’ was held on 18th and 19th of July, 2017. A Model United Nations is a simulation of real time committees and international organisations across the globe. The exercise aims to educate participants about current events, international relations and policies, diplomacy and UN agenda. The Indianite MUN, in its fourth edition provided a constructive forum for open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security and economic and social progress. IMUN enables the in-depth examination and resolution of pressing issues, emphasising process over product.
There were 7 committees in the IMUN namely The United Nations General Assembly,The League of Nations, The United Nations Human Rights’ Council, The European Union, Marvel and DC, The United Nations Security Council and The All India Political Parties Meet.
In addition to this, there was also an International Press to cover the proceedings taking place in each committee.
The United Nations General Assembly
The General Assembly is empowered to make recommendations to states on international issues within its jurisdiction. It initiates actions on political, economic, humanitarian, social and legal issues which have affected the lives of people throughout the world.
The agenda of the UNGA was – Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea.
The League of Nations
League of Nations is an organisation for international cooperation established on January 10, 1920, at the initiative of the victorious Allied Powers at the end of World War I.
The agenda of the LON was The Promotion of Dialogue between the Allies and Axis Powers and
The United Nations Human Rights Council
The UNHRC is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations for the promotion and protection of human rights all over the globe.
The agenda of UNHRC was Curbing the Ongoing conflict in Afghanistan with special emphasis on the assessment of human rights conditions.
The European Union
EU is a political and economic union of 28-member states that are located primarily in Europe.
The agenda of EU was- Strategising the future of the European Union with regard to changing political traditions and foreign influence.
Marvel and DC
The Indianite MUN presents its fictional committee ‘Marvel-DC’ wherein both universes ( Marvel and DC) come together to protect the world from the supreme evil.
The agenda of Marvel & DC was- Restoration of World Order and the redistribution of the ‘Infinity Gems’.
The United Nations Security Council
The United Nations Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to peace or an act of aggression. It calls upon the parties in a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. The continuous crisis committee is an extremely integral part of the conference.
The agenda of UNSC was – The issue of Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The All India Political Parties Meet
The All India Political Parties Meet is a forum for unrestricted political debate, discussion and deliberation, free from the legislative functions of the parliament.
The agenda of AIPPM was- Battling and curbing domestic terrorism, internal insurgency and extremism in the country.
International Press
The International Press is an integral part of any conference. In the real world, it is only the press that forms the link between the common people and the happenings in UN committees. The members of the International Press act as unbiased journalists, reporting on the proceedings of each simulation in the conference.
Students debated and discussed the agendas for two days and came up with suitable solutions for the issues at hand. The debates put forward by all the students were equally relevant and thought provoking which made the task of judging very difficult.
The list of the winners is as follows: -
Best Delegates- Manav Arora and Sehaj Kaur Bedi
High Commendation- Utkarsh Pandey and Ishan Singh
Special Mention- Bhamini Srivastava, Chaintanya Arora and Divija Puri
This was an extremely enriching experience and students wish to be a part of other such stimulating events in the future as well.