
Citizenship Programme initiative: art workshop on Nature Conservation at neighboring municipal school

On the 21st February 2024, three students of class VIII – Aryahi Das, Gautam, and Geetika Gupta, along with their teacher Ms. Sandhya Batheja, conducted an art workshop at the MCD Primary School in neighbouring Sadiq Nagar. The primary objective of the workshop was to raise awareness about nature conservation among the students of classes IV and V at the MCD school.

The theme chosen for the workshop was 'Prakriti Sanrakshan,' translating to 'Conserving Nature.' Prior to the commencement of the workshop, the students delivered a talk highlighting the importance and benefits of nature conservation. This set the stage for the artistic activities to follow.

The main activity involved was collecting leaves from the school playground and using them to create artworks inspired by living objects such as animals, trees, or flowers. 

The students of the MCD Primary School displayed remarkable enthusiasm when the task was explained to them. Within a short span of 5 minutes, they eagerly scoured the school garden for leaves of their choice, bringing them back to the classroom in preparation for the art session.

To facilitate the creation of their artwork, each student was provided with a drawing sheet, sketch pens, and glue, allowing them to enhance and embellish their pieces of art. The students demonstrated their creativity and imagination by making replicas of butterflies, fish, and even Lord Ganesha using the collected leaves. This added a unique and cultural touch to the art session.

The art workshop for nature conservation proved to be a successful and engaging activity. It not only fostered creativity among the students but also instilled in them a sense of responsibility towards the environment. The active participation of both the visiting students and the primary school students reflects the effectiveness of such initiatives in promoting awareness and positive action.

We extend our gratitude to the students and staff of MCD Primary School, Sadiq Nagar, for their warm welcome and active participation in the workshop.