
Citizenship Programme - Talk on Cyber Crime, Social media and its legal implications

It was a pleasure to have Mr Sumit Nagpal, lead speaker and a lawyer himself, visit our school for the third time. Each time, he has enlightened our students on their rights and responsibilities with regard to Cyber crime, internet and identity fraud.

This time, the talk was organised for students on legal implications connected with misuse of the social media for students of classes 8 and 9.

Lead speaker, Mr. Sumit Nagpal spoke at length about the consequences one can face merely by posting, liking, commenting or sharing comments/photos casually on the social media. Students were informed about the relevant articles in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the penalties under the same.

Everything posted on social media is subject to legal scrutiny and is never really deleted even after we think we have deleted. Shaming people, infringing upon another’s right to privacy, anti-national posts, obscene materials etc., are not allowed to be posted or shared on social media sites like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and the others. Punishment can be upto 3 years of jail along with fines, if anything unlawful is posted.

The speaker repeatedly stressed that one should think carefully before posting or sharing any personal information with strangers, even basic things like one’s date of birth. Once you post a photo on facebook, then Facebook is the owner of that photo!

He stressed the importance of NOT sharing the OTP with anyone over the phone under any circumstances as a precaution for internet banking theft. Downloading games and allowing these an access into your contacts is also not advisable. At the same time, sharing one’s

CVV on the credit card should also never be done.

The talk was a great source of information for the students as well as the teachers. We hope that the children will exercise great caution whilst on social media. The internet is indeed a magical resource bank which is a virtue for the present generation, but only if it is used with caution, discretion and wisdom.