Exercises in simple everyday life skills
On 22nd and 23rd February 2017, all sections of classes 7 and 8 attended a workshop of day to day life skills conducted by Citizenship Coordinator, Ms. Sangeeta Aswani.
The children were reminded about rules of common etiquette like never crossing over between two people in conversation, to always remain courteous, how to receive a telephonic message and always standing aside to give way to a senior person.
In addition to this and as part of building simple life skills, children were given a demonstration on how to thread a needle and stitch a button. The children were then handed out a swatch of cloth, needle, thread and a button each. They were shown how to thread the needle, tie a knot and the method of stitching on a button with the help of the class teachers. In great excitement, many of the children got down to doing a pretty good job right away and then proceeded to help their struggling mates! Quite a few children even proudly pronounced that they will no longer need to entreat their moms to put back a fallen shirt button!
After a fun start to the morning, it was very heartening to see many children volunteer to help me ‘wind up’. Over 200 pieces of cloth and a similar number of needles needed to be collected back, beside the spool of thread needed to wound back, for a fresh round of demonstration to another class! Some good citizenship seem to prevail…!
Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator.