I Cant Breathe Campaign by NDTV-Citizenship Programme.
On Tuesday 5 and 8 January, 2016 the Citizenship Programme was invited to participate in the ‘ I can’t breathe’ campaign ny NDTV on the BRT Crossing near School, during the trial period of the ODD-EVEN FORMULA in Delhi. The children wore special caps and masks and held up elaborate and creative banners specially created for increasing awareness on the rising pollution levels in Delhi. They interacted with motorists and pedestrians on the importance of everyone trying to do their bit to reduce pollution. This not only includes the following of the Odd-Even formula but also ways like segregating garbage, encouraging the use of public transport and car pooling and keeping the city clean. The children were also interviewed by reporters present and the clips were repeatedly aired on NDTV on both days.

Two exciting days full of learning for the children thanks to the exposure to the different aspects of curbing pollution made known to them during the discussions in the classroom and the opportunity to appear on TV.
The participating students were Saksham Goyal, Aueshic and Tushar of class 11 and Ridhi, Divit, Krithi, Pratham, Aditi, Mehul, Chitrak, Vismay and Rounaq of class 8, Sarim and Aatif of class 9. They were accompanied by their teachers, Ms. S. Aswani, Ms. Sheerja and Ms. Shikha Sharma.