
An Inter-House English Recitation Competition, Literary Week, classes 6-8

An Inter-House English Recitation Competition, Literary Week, classes 6-8 An inter-house English recitation competition was held in the school auditorium during the School literary week on 23 April, 2012 for classes 6, 7 and 8. The participants were as follows. Saruby Sharma-Varun House; Shivali Anand-Chandra House and Swarna Barnwal-Indra House. Surya House did not send in a participant. The criteria for the contest were choice of poem, its presentation, pronunciation and Principal maam and Mrs. Vasudev, HT came forward as judges. Saruby Sharma of class 7D and Swarna Barnwal of class 8B, both chose to recite A Song of Enchantment by Walter de la Mare, while Shivali Anand of class 8C recited A Childs Hymn by Charles Dickens. The results announced were: Ist position- Shivali Anand ( Chandra); IInd position-Swarna Barnwal ( Indra) and IIIrd position-Saruby Sharma ( Varun). Feting the winners, the judges emphasized that all students should persist with using the School library to continuously expose themselves to age-appropriate literature. Character is constructed to a great extent by reading they said.   As reported by Ms. Gandharvi Mukherjee, teacher.