
Citizenship Programme conducts community outreach workshops

On Monday, 10th October 2016, three representatives from the NGO, Delhi Council for Child Welfare were invited to our school to learn how to make diyas, gel candles, wax candles, and 3D wax textured candles. The aim was to, in turn, empower the young girls training with the NGO to start making the products and selling them at a small profit. Thus stilling them with a means of livelihood. On 14th October 2016, our students visited the Dakshinpuri Centre of DCCW to conduct a demonstration on how to make tea lights. Representatives from over 6 centres of DCCW aseembled and eagerly learnt how to make tea lights. Pallavi Dewani, Mehar Saxena, Kaveri Duharia, Mitali Nanda (classes 9/10). Dr. Smriti Singh and Ms. Sangeeta Aswani coordinated the effort.

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The students had carried with them wax, tea light holders, colours, aroma, wicks and packing material supported by our Shramdaan programme. Smriti maam and the students conducted the workshop from start to finish and shared with the listeners the delicate details of how to make and pack the tea lights. All the girls attending the workshop were made to repeat the exercise till they were able perfect the process. A few students also played games and conducted a short story telling session with the children at the day care centre at Dakshinpuri and even distributed sweets. On 17th October 2016, Mayank, Simran, Manan, Chirag and Saumya Chadha of classes 10/11 along with Ms Sangeeta Aswani visited Palna to spend time with the children. They played games and told them stories. On behalf of the Shramdaan programme, the students donated 420 boxes of candles made by the children at School and 12 silicon moulds of candles to facilitate the production of these candles at DCCW. Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship co-ordinator.