
Earth Day activities across School

Mahatma Gandhisaid that the earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.

Earth Day is observed across the globe on the 22nd of April every year. On this day, we are encouraged to make our contribution towards reclaiming Mother Nature. Earth is our planet and home to an incredible diversity of life. So, we must save it.

We threaten Earth and her resources with our excessive greed for development and luxury. We need to take action now to protect our planet before it is too late. For many years now, Earth Day has continued to grow as a worldwide phenomenon focusing on promoting clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for the people and wildlife. This day helps highlight our most pressing environmental and social problems, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and dwindling natural resources. It serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it.

School children can make an invaluable contribution to saving the planet. An early start can make a difference. Children need to put forth efforts to imbibe habits that will persist even as they grow older.

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Thus, The Indian School organized a myriad of activities for their students to take ownership of saving the environment.

The Indian School Earth Day celebrations started with a pledge against the use of Single-Use plastic, as their elimination was the theme for the day.

The Pre school children joyfully engaged in activities to conserve Earth and Mother Nature. The tiny tots went on a nature walk in the lush school gardens and enjoyed watering the plants. The toddlers collected fallen leaves and did leaf printing to make beautiful birds.

A story enactment by the Pre school teachers on the Chipko Movement helped sensitise the little ones about the importance of trees in our lives. They hand printed figures of trees on newspaper bags to articulate the harmful effects of plastic bags on our environment. The children went back home wearing brightly coloured self-designed head gear wherein they did earbud printing, with messages reflecting their love for Mother Earth.

The Pre primary children engaged in creative craft activities that helped spread awareness of the importance of saving water, reducing pollution, recycling waste, and protecting wildlife.

The gentle breeze and green backfield made the narration of TheGiving Treemore enjoyable. The children were made aware that EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY, and everyone should plant a sapling.

The teacher explained to the children how one must save water, reduce waste, and use less fuel to preserve Mother Earth. We should celebrate Earth Day every day through continuous environment-friendly efforts by all, including the little children who are the citizens of tomorrow.

The students of class I and II made beautiful headbands using old newspapers, and they learnt that, together they can protect Earth and make her happy. They also sang songs based onSave the Planettheme that emphasised preserving Mother Earth. The students made attractiveEarth in our Heartsillustrations using old sheets, pencils, broomsticks, etc. Teachers and students also discussed various ways of keeping the earth healthy.

Class III brainstormed on ideas that help go green! One of the popular ideas saw them planting trees in old plastic bottles, cans, etc. The students also made beautiful posters for Earth Day.

The students of class IV made lovely bird feeders using old shoeboxes, etcetera and placed them on the window sills in their respective classrooms. The students of class V made attractive hanging planters using coconut shells.

Classes VI-VIII enthusiastically composed songs and poems onMy Earth, My Future,and Say No to Plastics, to sound the alarm against the rampant use of the latter. Not only this, but students also created comic strips to spread awareness against single-use plastics.

The senior students wrote essays onEliminating Single-use Plastic from our lives and the Strategy of the 6R's -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign, & Remanufacture. They also madeposters and engaged in a speech competition to spread awareness throughout the school campus.

Teachers teaching science, social sciences, English, computers, drama, music and the school librarian all played their role by scaffolding student creativity with their inputs. Students designed and participated in talks, quizzes, speeches, watched videos and sang songs inspired by save the earth campaigns. They also shared relevant reading material to create a healthy connection with the Earth Day celebrations.

The celebration helped students assimilate the simple yet clear message that we should keep our environment clean, stop using single-use plastic, plant more trees to heal Earth, and save, love and respect Mother Nature with all their hearts and soul.

Thus, the Indianites actively participated in Earth Day activities and pledged to take care of their Mother Earth and keep their environment clean and green toPreserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we have ever known.

The Environment Group

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