
Effective teaching of math at the secondary level- workshop by Dr. Hukam Singh.

A workshop was organised on 5th November 2016 at the Lal Bahadur Shashtri School, New Delhi on the topic Effective Teaching of Mathematics for teachers of classes 9 and 10.

The workshop was attended by Ms. Alka Kanwar, Ms. Sandhya Batheja and Ms. Pooja Mendiratta from our School.

The resource person was Dr. Hukum Singh, Former Professor and Head, Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM), NCERT, New Delhi. He is involved in the development of curriculum, textbooks and books on exemplar problems at various stages of school education. He has also played a crucial role in the training of school teachers. He has helped in the establishment of math laboratories in NCERT and in schools and colleges. He was awarded the Government of India Scholarship to train in Budapest from 1982 to 1986. He has also participated in several international conferences in mathematics in places like Hungary, Germany, Italy and Japan.

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The workshop focused on the following:

1. Exploring Mathematics through hands'-on activities for classes IX and X. That is, adopting learning by a doing methodology instead of teaching through Virtual Labs. 2. Using innovative practices in the teaching and learning of all topics, including problem solving and enhancement of critical thinking skills. 3. Removing common errors and misconceptions in the teaching of math. 4. Role of the math teacher in the holistic development of the child. 5. Steps to transform oneself into a better educator.

He emphasised that teachers should transform their teaching methodology to suit the learner and his needs by linking it with matters of daily life. They should make mathematics' education more realistic and connected to the environment. He also suggested that more emphasis should be laid on primary education and talented students must be identified at that level. Their interests should be nurtured at the junior level itself to minimise the dropout rate at a higher level.

This workshop gave us a valuable insight, besides the opportunity to review our teaching skills.

Math department.