
Methodologies of Teaching Mathematics for classes 1112- teacher workshop

A one day seminar was organised by Ratna Sagar and Pragati Public School, Dwarka on 1st October 2016. Their publication, 'Methodologies of Teaching Mathematics to classes 1112 was presented at the seminar where our Ms. Alka Kanwar and 45 teachers from schools across Delhi were present.

The seminar was conducted by resource person Dr. Hukum Singh, Former Dean and Head of the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics, NCERT and focused on the following:

1. Exploring mathematics with hands'- on activities for classes XI and XII (learning by doing). 2. Using innovative practices in the teaching and learning of all topics, including Problem Solving in Probability, Maxima and Minima, Set Theory and Integration. 3. Bouddhayan Proof of the Pythagoras Theorem. 4. Constructivist Approach in Relation and Functions 5. Multiple Intelligence 6. Common errors made by students.

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In everyday life, we often talk of collections of objects such as a bunch of keys, a flock of birds, a pack of cards,etc. Similarly, in Math, we come across collections like natural numbers, whole numbers, prime numbers when we study the SET THEORY.

The Constructivist approach is essential to attain good ability in probabilistic problem solving and also to deal with theoretical and applied problems .

Calculus is applied to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g.cost, strength, amount of material used in a building, profit, loss etc.).

Calculus also offers a base for economics. It is used to compute marginal cost and marginal revenue, enabling economics to predict maximum profit in a specific setting.

This seminar was a very good learning experience. It got reinforced that knowledge is not transferred, but is constructed through ones experience.

Ms. Alka Kanwar.