
Photo Panel Exhibition Sagashteimasu in Hindi at Japan Foundation

On 10th August 2016, students of classes XI and XII (Humanities), along with their teachers, Ms. Akansha Chawla and Ms. Charu Bhatnagar Singh, visited an exhibition showcasing a collection of works from the picture book - Main Doondh Raha Hoon. The exhibition was organised at the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, in cooperation with Doshinsha Publishing Ltd. and Foreign-Rights' Centre.

Main Doondh Raha Hoon is the Hindi translation of the book Sagahiteimasu (2012, Doshinsha Publishing Ltd.) and comprises 14 poems by Arthur Binard. Each poem is written from the perspective of a personal item that was left behind when the owner was killed by the atom bomb that dropped on Hiroshima on 6th August 1945. Since that horrific day, they have been searching for the life they once had with their owners, who suddenly disappeared.

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There is the lunch box which belonged to a girl named Setsvuko and the food in the lunch box is still waiting for her. There is the watch whose dial is stuck at 8:15, it wants to move forward and leave its agonised past behind. There is a staircase which was once a hub but now it is longs to receive people , a purple satin dress which was earlier blinded by pride, now remains untouched waiting for someone to wear it. These poems are accompanied by the photographs of the items, beautifully captured by photographer Tadashi Okakura.

The items are currently on display at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in Japan. The Hindi version of the book is translated by Tomoko Kikuchi and published by Eklavya.

We would like to thank our School for providing us with this rare opportunity which has left an imprint in our minds and hearts that, after war, peace comes at very steep price, often unaffordable. The visit was indeed an experience to be remember.

Bedanto Sen, XI-D.