
Quiz on Thailand

To introduce Thailand as a land of history, culture and wonder to the students of schools in the Delhi-NCR region, Quizcraft Global and DK India, in collaboration with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, organised a unique quiz on 6th December 2016. The programme was supported by the Royal Thai Embassy, New Delhi and Thai Airways International. Around 150 students from leading schools of Delhi and the NCR participated in the event while 6 students from classes IX to XI represented our School.

Quizcraft Global Knowledge Solutions is an exciting new venture that is reputed to bring creativity, originality, versatility, expertise and experience to schools, colleges and universities through quizzing.

The content of the event was based on the culture, history, current affairs, sports, art, wildlife and nature, scientific and technological developments, cuisine and natural heritage of Thailand. The quiz also focused on famous personalities and the cultural and historic links of Thailand and India.

On reaching the venue, we seated ourselves in the Arya Auditorium, amidst the exciting buzz of students interacting with one another. We were divided into teams of 2. Each team received a coffee mug and pamphlets of the various Thai cities along with a goodie bag, all sponsored by Thailand Tourism.

Mr. Sidharth from DK introduced the format and rules of the quiz to the 40+ teams from various schools. The quiz began and 20 MCQs in direct and visual formats were asked, covering all aspects of Thai life- lifestyle, culture, heritage, food and entertainment. After completing the answer sheets, we handed them to the team of DK.

The Thai Ambassador to India then addressed the gathering and spoke about the enthusiasm a that students in India showed towards quizzing. Soon the answers were discussed and the top 6 teams who made it to the stage round were called. This final round judged the teams in terms of their quizzing potential and their knowledge of the subject, while switching from a direct question round to a buzzer round. The team that passed all these rounds with flying colours was to win a trip to Thailand!

The event provided the opportunity for the Tourism Authority of Thailand and its partners, to interact with and promote Destination Thailand among the target audience, the ever-growing student population.

As for us, the students, it was both enthralling and exhilarating to learn so much about the fascinating country, which boasts of not only, beautiful beaches and architecture, but also talent and grandeur.

Gauri Awasthi (IX-D).