
Second prize at Anveshan- inter school science and technology festival.

On 16th April 2016, students of classes VI to XII attended Anveshan - a science and technology fest held each year at the Gyan Bharti School. Several schools from around Delhi were present to compete in the competitions organised at the event. These included a power point presentation contest, animation skills' contest, ' Test your quotient', treasure hunt and quiz.

After registration, we moved to the auditorium where the fest was declared open by the chairman of Gyan Bharti School, Mr. R. C. Shekhar. The 5 events began simultaneously. Events were organised for each class level. Students of class VI took part in the powerpoint presentation contest. They had to develop a powerpoint on the topic Make in India. Our representative was Aditi Gaur of VI B. The participants were expected to apply action buttons, hyper linking and other advanced features of MS Powerpoint. Aditi Gaur took the first prize in this event.

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In the animation contest, students were asked to develop an animation strip on the topic Make in India. This was open to students of class VII. Athparve of VII A represented our School at this. The participants had to create a 2D animation clip using the various features of Macromedia Flash like shape and motion, twining, onion skin, etc. Marks were awarded for concept, creativity, idea and the maximum use of the software.

In the 'Test your Science Quotient' contest, several experiments were demonstrated. Students had to answer questions relating to these experiments. Srijoy Mukherjee of class VIII participated and he comfortably picked up the second prize.

A treasure hunt for students of classes IX to X had also been organised. Utkarsh Pandey of X E and Chitak Kala of IX C took part in this event. Several clues were placed at different locations. The teams had to unravel each clue and move to the next. The team that finished first took the prize.

The Science Quiz was organized for students of classes XI and XII. Pulkit Goyal and Parakhar Gupta participated from our School. The quiz involved a qualifying round.

A rolling trophy was awarded to the school with maximum points for their overall performance. Our School was placed at second position.

Mr. Pallab Roy.