Silico Battles' 2012- a computing competition
Battles is a multi- faceted computer skills' event heldto facilitate students to make a mark as budding I.T. professionals in the ever-changing I.T. industry.SilicoBattles'2012a 3 day event between5and 7November, 2012 at Ahlcon International School had over 30 schools of Delhi and the NCR participating.

Our School sent a team of5students to participate in the various events like Gaming, Group Discussion, Senior Programmingand Digital Imaging. We are proud to announce thatSahilSarnaof class 11 whorepresented ourSchool in theGaming(Console)competition, played5rounds to ably take First position in the event! This was close on the heels of his recent win at Minet' 2012 where, too, he took the first prize.
Report by Ms.KrishikaKapil, Computer ScienceDept.