
Special day for the mothers of Pre primary

At School, our little ones at the pre-primary level, decided to give their mothers a lovely surprise by inviting them over on 13th May, 2016 for a Mothers Day Celebration in the School auditorium. Once the guests were seated, the host for the day Ms. Gagandeep Kaur invited Principal Tania Joshi to address the gathering. Ms. Joshi shared beautiful memories of her own experience as a mother and gave invaluable tips on motherhood and how to make the most of it. After the address, the children came forward to express their affection and appreciation for their mothers with songs specially composed for the occasion by our music teachers, Ms. Ambika Sah and Mr. Amit Vaid.

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To make the celebrations specially lively and spontaneous, special games were organised for the mothers. Kits containing material for the games were placed on every chair. These kits included puzzles such as writing A-Z in the reverse order and paper-folding. The mothers had a delightful time trying to be one-up on the next playfully! Winners were awarded with a potted plant each. Following this, the little ones, stepped forward again to entertain their moms with a special dance show. Several mothers had tears in their eyes as they silently watched their beloved babies perform..suddenly they seemed like they had grown up a whole lot already! It did not end here. The little ones then honoured their mothers by awarding them with special certificates. Each mother was called up and offered a certificate as token of heartfelt appreciation for all the enthusiasm and interest shown. It was a touching sight as every mother carried a special glow for the most extraordinary acclaim they got! Finally, refreshments were served. The children were helped to serve their mothers by the ayah didis. Yet again the mommies were overwhelmed. Magical memories were made that day! Ms. Yashika & Charu.